Whales of Magdalena Bay: Baja Adventure Cruise

Jan 27 - Feb 1, 2026

Loreto, Mexico / San Carlos • Bahía Almejas / Rehusa Channel / Isla Magdelena • Hull Canal • Boca de Soledad • San Carlos / Loreto

Whales of Magdalena Bay: Baja Adventure Cruise

Jan 27 - Feb 1, 2026

Loreto, Mexico / San Carlos • Bahía Almejas / Rehusa Channel / Isla Magdelena • Hull Canal • Boca de Soledad • San Carlos / Loreto

Whales of Magdalena Bay: Baja Adventure Cruise

Jan 27 - Feb 1, 2026

Loreto, Mexico / San Carlos • Bahía Almejas / Rehusa Channel / Isla Magdelena • Hull Canal • Boca de Soledad • San Carlos / Loreto

Whales of Magdalena Bay: Baja Adventure Cruise

Jan 27 - Feb 1, 2026

Loreto, Mexico / San Carlos • Bahía Almejas / Rehusa Channel / Isla Magdelena • Hull Canal • Boca de Soledad • San Carlos / Loreto

Whales of Magdalena Bay: Baja Adventure Cruise

Jan 27 - Feb 1, 2026

Loreto, Mexico / San Carlos • Bahía Almejas / Rehusa Channel / Isla Magdelena • Hull Canal • Boca de Soledad • San Carlos / Loreto

Note: This is an advance schedule and is subject to change.

Day Description Arrival Departure
Tuesday, January 27, 2026 Loreto, Mexico / San Carlos / Embark Ship

Arrive Loreto/San Carlos/Embark National Geographic Sea Bird

Arrive in Loreto and be transferred to our hospitality room at the Hotel La Mision. Lunch is provided for those who arrive to the hospitality room prior to 1:30 pm. Flights should arrive by 2:30 pm in time for a 3 or 3:30 pm group transfer to San Carlos. Embark National Geographic Sea Bird in the evening, anchored off the coast of Isla Santa Margarita. (-/L/D)

Wednesday, January 28, 2026 BahĂ­a Almejas / Rehusa Channel / Isla Magdalena

Awake in BahĂ­a Almejas, the southernmost part of the bay. We’ll make a special stop to view a large frigatebird colony on Isla Santa Margarita before heading out on our first whale-watching trip of the voyage. The whales in BahĂ­a Almejas tend to be very active and seemingly oblivious to our presence. As we explore this bay and the Rehusa Channel via local panga, our team will do whatever it takes to provide you with memorable and meaningful experiences. During lunch, we’ll sail toward Isla Magdalena to explore the ever-shifting sand dunes on a cross-island walk to one of the most pristine beaches in the Pacific. Take a dip or tally the treasure found on what we affectionately call “sand dollar beach.” (B/L/D) 

Thursday, January 29, 2026 Transit the Hull Canal / Boca de Soledad

Spend the morning transiting the scenic winding Hull Canal. Within its narrow channels, bordered by mangroves and sand dunes and filled with abundant wildlife, we’ll hang out on deck with our keen-eyed naturalists to spot species and hear expert commentary. Weather permitting, we’ll explore the vast mangrove system via kayak and Zodiac. Bird-watching here can be excellent. Among the species we might see are diving pelicans, wheeling cormorants, terns, great blue herons, ibis, whimbrels, and willets. Bird watching can be excellent here with abundant seabirds in action and shorebirds patrolling the beaches as they fatten up and prepare for long journeys to Arctic breeding grounds. This afternoon, we’ll head out to explore the whale-rich waters of Boca de Soledad. (B/L/D)

Friday, January 30, 2026 Boca de Soledad

Each winter, during their long migration, gray whales travel south from their Arctic feeding grounds to breed and give birth to their calves in these sheltered waters, often called "Grand Central" for California gray whales. We'll spend two full days observing and, with luck, interacting with these majestic creatures. Together with savvy local fishermen we’ve known for years, we’ll venture out in expedition landing craft to view the numerous mother-calf pairs that thrive in this region. We’ll also have an opportunity to explore the beaches, and if you’re feeling up to it, grab one of our fat-tire bikes to roam the seemingly endless beaches. (B/L/D)

Saturday, January 31, 2026 Boca de Soledad

Each winter, during their long migration, gray whales travel south from their Arctic feeding grounds to breed and give birth to their calves in these sheltered waters, often called "Grand Central" for California gray whales. We'll spend two full days observing and, with luck, interacting with these majestic creatures. Together with savvy local fishermen we’ve known for years, we’ll venture out in expedition landing craft to view the numerous mother-calf pairs that thrive in this region. We’ll also have an opportunity to explore the beaches, and if you’re feeling up to it, grab one of our fat-tire bikes to roam the seemingly endless beaches. (B/L/D)

Sunday, February 1, 2026 San Carlos / Disembark ship / Loreto

After breakfast, disembark our ship and transfer to Loreto Airport for flights home. Arrive at the airport approximately 11 am for your flights after 1 pm. A box lunch will be provided. (B/L/-)