
We all understand that travel leaves an environmental footprint, so Olivia is taking meaningful steps toward sustainability to help protect the places we love to explore.

Wildlife Preservation and Rehabilitation

Meet our Wild Olivians! At Olivia, we’re committed to giving back to the incredible destinations we visit by investing in local wildlife rehabilitation and preservation. It’s our way of helping protect the natural wonders that make these places so special.

Olivia the Penguin: This year we sponsored Olivia, a beautiful White-Flippered Penguin and her chick. They benefit from the habitat and rehabilitation program at the Pohatu Penguin Conservation Trust on New Zealand’s South Island.

Korbessa the Elephant: This sweet one-year-old African Elephant lives at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. Rescued as a newborn, she is being raised alongside other orphaned elephants. Sheldrick’s mission is to rehabilitate these incredible animals to thrive in the wild again.

Rain the Bald Eagle: This striking Bald Eagle was found injured in Juneau, Alaska in 2017. After rehabilitation at the Raptor Center in Sitka, Alaska, she remained unable to fly and now lives permanently at the rescue. She is fond of people and thrives as a member of the Education Team, taking the stage to help teach visitors about wildlife conservation.