Himalayan Harmony: A Nepal & Bhutan Adventure

Nov 7 - Nov 19, 2025

Kathmandu • Pokhara • Kathmandu • Thimphu • Punakha • Paro • Kathmandu

Himalayan Harmony: A Nepal & Bhutan Adventure

Nov 7 - Nov 19, 2025

Kathmandu • Pokhara • Kathmandu • Thimphu • Punakha • Paro • Kathmandu

Himalayan Harmony: A Nepal & Bhutan Adventure

Nov 7 - Nov 19, 2025

Kathmandu • Pokhara • Kathmandu • Thimphu • Punakha • Paro • Kathmandu

Himalayan Harmony: A Nepal & Bhutan Adventure

Nov 7 - Nov 19, 2025

Kathmandu • Pokhara • Kathmandu • Thimphu • Punakha • Paro • Kathmandu

Himalayan Harmony: A Nepal & Bhutan Adventure

Nov 7 - Nov 19, 2025

Kathmandu • Pokhara • Kathmandu • Thimphu • Punakha • Paro • Kathmandu

Your Exclusive Himalayan Experiences

  • Visit to Bhaktapur Durbar Square
  • Visit to the Nepal Youth Foundation
  • Welcome Dinner at the Krishnarpan Restaurant at the Dwarikas Hotel
  • Visit to the Women's Skills Development Organization in Pokhara
  • Food Adventure by the lakeside in Pokhara
  • Yoga session at the Mudra Studio in Pokhara
  • Visit to International Mountain Museum in Pokhara
  • Visit & interaction with the ladies from Amma Samuha and lunch in Pokhara
Traditional Nepali Dining in Kathmandu Nepal
Buddha Dordenma in Thimphu, Bhutan
  • Visit to Patan Durbar Square and Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu
  • Meeting & lunch with a member of the Seven Summit Women in Kathmandu
  • Visit to the Thamel market in Kathmandu
  • Visit to a the National Memorial Chorten in Thimphu
  • Evening presentation by a local expert on Bhutan’s Developmental Philosophy of Gross National Happiness
  • Nature hike to Cheri Monastery & outdoor picnic lunch in Thimphu
  • Visit to the handmade paper factory in Thimphu
  • Visit to the Buddha Dordenm in Thimphu
  • Visit to Pangri Zampa for a Buddhist Astrology session in Thimphu
  • Visit to the BAOWE (Bhutanese Association of Women Entrepreneur) in Thimphu
  • Visit to Heritage Home, Babesa for a Bhutanese cuisine cooking demo and lunch in Thimphu
  • Visit to the Bhutan Nuns Foundation in Thimphu
  • Visit Tse Organics and Gagyel Lhundrup Weaving Center in Thimphu
  • Visit to Trashichhoedzong in Thimphu
  • Drive to Gangtey with a visit to Dochu-la pass
  • Visit to Punakha Dzong and Chimi Lakhang in Punakha
Monk in Punakha Temple
Taktshang Monastery (Tiger's Nest) in Paro, Bhutan
  • Visit to Sangchhen Dorji Lhuendrup Lhakhang Nunnery in Punakha
  • Visit to Gatshothang farmhouse with lunch in Punakha
  • Visit to Wangduephodrang Dzong in Punakha
  • Visit to Ta Dzong in Paro
  • Visit to a traditional farmhouse to enjoy archery and Khuru as well as a blessing ceremony under the presence of a Lama followed by 108 butter lamp lighting in Paro
  • Hike up to Taktshang Monastery (Tiger's Nest) in Paro
  • A prayer flag hoisting by a Llama in Paro
  • A Farewell dinner with a dress up in traditional Bhutanese dress with cultural program