Beat the End of Summer Blues

Beat the End of Summer Blues

There’s just something about summer that makes you feel happy and renewed! But now the summer is officially behind us. You may not be worrying about back to school. You may not even live somewhere where the seasons change. But no matter who you are, fighting the end of summer blues is something we all face.

What’s a person to do when the summer months are drifting into the rear view and won’t be back till three seasons cycle through? Here are five ways to beat those end of summer blues:

1. Start researching your next great vacation! There’s nothing like anticipation of an amazing destination to help keep you going as the sun starts setting earlier and earlier. Check out all the cruises and resorts and adventures we have to offer over the next two years and start taking stock of your own bucket list. Take your time to research the destinations and what you might see and do there. Be sure to take a good long look at the ships we sail on and the resorts we take over too. You can start mapping out where you want to be and when! This will be the most fun you ever had doing homework!

2. Connect! Reach out to people you’d like to travel with and invite them to join you on an upcoming trip. Then you can spend your days dreaming about the fun you will have together and planning the trip of a lifetime. Don’t forget to invite people you’ve loved traveling with as well as ones you’ve never hit the road with. You never know what kind of fun awaits. Once you’re all in, you can create a group text or email to make plans for dining and adventuring and relaxing together. You can even share packing tips and tricks and create an itinerary to suit everyone in your crowd. Want to go a step further and create an official Olivia Group? We have a whole program for that – and enjoy discounts when you bring newbies along!

3. Take a chance! Have you always gone on Olivia cruises but never tried a resort trip? Or maybe resorts have always been your scene so you’ve never hit the high seas? Perhaps you’ve done both but never dipped your toe into the wilds of an Olivia adventure trip? Maybe you've done big cruises but wonder about riverboats and luxury cruises? Well, now’s the time! Peruse the offerings and imagine yourself in a whole new world and discover an incredible new way you love to vacation. Nothing is more fun than imagining what awaits when you have a brand-new experience to look forward to on the calendar.

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